Client Data Collection

At each site visit, study CRCs will recruit 25 pantry clients as they leave the pantry to participate in the study. Potential participants will receive a fact sheet detailing the study procedures (survey, basket assessment, and skin carotenoid measure). They will also be informed about the limited personal identifiers associated with study records and our plans for storing, analyzing, and disseminating findings. Upon completion, participating clients will receive a $25 gift card.  

Participating clients will provide three types of data: 

1) Basket Inventory

One CRC will unpack, photograph, weigh, and repack the client's groceries, assigning traffic light labels using the SWAP system. 

2) Veggie Meter® Reading

The second CRC will measure the client's skin carotenoid levels using the Veggie Meter®, which uses LED light to measure carotenoid levels painlessly and non-invasively. This measurement reflects fruit/vegetable consumption over the prior 2+ months. To learn more click here!

3) Client Survey

Clients will complete a survey on a tablet or via CRC interview about their pantry experiences, nutritional messaging, food assistance program usage, height, weight, chronic health conditions, dietary restrictions, and the 13-item rapid Prime Diet Quality Score screener (rPDQS).